Saturday, August 30, 2014

Everyone loves a bargain, right?

I know I love bargains for sure. It's Labor Day weekend, lots of sales out there. Well somewhat. I have seen better sales. Some stores have clearance markdowns but today a few didn't have an extra "%" off so I avoided looking through the racks.
But made a quick stop at Goodwill, yes you read right Goodwill. I tend to stop at one whenever I am in their vicinity and most of the time make out good. Today I think I did awesome!!
Alright you tell me if hit or miss:
Black lined jacket by Sag Harbor with tags, yes tags so we know it is new. It looks nice on - the picture does no justice.
Retail $50
Price $12.97

Finally pretty reading glasses, yup I need them. We know they can be pricey.
Price $3.59

Did you shop today? What was your bargain?

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